
Double Bar J’s first owner homesteaded the land just after WWI.  With only a handful of previous owners, the family patriarch Cmdr. William Vallandigham took ownership in the late 1970’s.  At his death in 1986, the ranch was passed on to  his daughter Lynne, her husband, James, & grandchildren, Heather and Darren.

Many advised to sell the ranch due to the remote location, but Lynne’s father's last wish was to “hold onto the ranch if you can”. It was decided not to sell, and carry on with developing a guest ranch. James sold his business and concentrated on learning the business of ranching and hospitality. Within two years, plans were started for building our own home on the ranch and we were able to spend our first Christmas there in 1990. The Summer of 1991 began our first guest ranch season. The family enjoyed the hospitality business and loved sharing the property with everyone that came to visit, but life's changing events took them back to California in the late 1990's. The family continued summer vacations at the ranch and as Heather and Darren got older, they began bringing their families and friends to the ranch.

In July of 2020 during a family vacation, it was decided we should begin sharing the ranch again utilizing our cabins as vacation rentals. The internet had expanded hospitality choices and unique out of the way accommodations were now easily available for adventure travelers. Heather and her husband, Carlos, now direct the effort to help preserve and share the majestic beauty of the Double Bar J. This is land barely touched by the modern world and gives guests & travelers a glimpse into what once was a completely wild America.

The ranch holds a very special place in our hearts and in the hearts of many that have spent time here. We are looking forward to again sharing with family, friends and friends we have yet to meet.

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